Our Nutritional Philosophy

We believe that nutrition is important for cats and dogs to grow and live in a healthy manner.

Therefore, addressing the criterion of quality but not quantity in our ingredients, we use the most accurate resources and place importance on our pet food’s being not only savoury but also health and nutritive.

We take into account optimum criteria in determining the amounts and proportions of the basic nutrients, vitamins and minerals intended for the basic needs of our hairy friends. We satisfy their needs to the fullest extent.

Our Nutritional Philosophy
Our Nutritional Philosophy


High-quality protein resources contain all basic amino acids needed by cats and dogs. Protein is best known for providing amino acids for the health and development of muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, hair, skin and nails. It further plays a leading role in the production of hormones.


Fat is an important source of energy in the nutrition of cats and dogs. Besides, it is further important for the health and protection of the skin and hair. The most important fatty acids needed by cats and dogs are Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
Our Nutritional Philosophy
Our Nutritional Philosophy


An important criterion is the amount and fermentation rate of cellulose (fiber) which helps the digestive system of cats and dogs be kept healthy. Cellulose at the correct amount and rate supports the intestinal and digestive health.


Calcium of which basic duty is to protect the dental and bone health also plays a basic role in transferring intercellular information and transmitting nerve impulses.
Our Nutritional Philosophy
Our Nutritional Philosophy


Other than being the organic component of DNA and RNA, it is available in the cellular membranes (in the form of phospholipids) and provides energy at cellular level. Apart from this, it is so important a building block for bone and dental health.


Taurine is an extremely important amino acid for eyes, heart, reproduction and growth. It particularly has great importance for cats as most mammals produce taurine among other amino acids but cats cannot. Despite proteins of animal origin contain taurine, taurine is added to the products intended for cats.
Our Nutritional Philosophy
Our Nutritional Philosophy

Vitamin A

While it is important for healthy skin and hair, it is also extremely important for the development and working of muscles and nerves. It has an influence on teeth and mucosa’s being healthy. Apart from all these facts, it ensures night vision to be healthy.

Vitamin D

It governs the calcium levels in the body and thus plays an important role in the growth and protection of bones. It controls the absorption of calcium from intestines, requirement of calcium for bones and the amount of calcium discharged by kidneys. Muscles and nerves need vitamin D for smooth operation.
Our Nutritional Philosophy
Our Nutritional Philosophy

Vitamin E

It is a basic vitamin for cats and dogs. As Vitamin E is an antioxidant, it plays an important role in protecting cells from oxidative damage. It is also influential on cardiovascular health, immune system, vision, neurological functioning and fertility.

Vitamin C

It is an important antioxidant. It cleanses free radicals potentially harmful in the body. It strengthens the immune system. When it is absorbed by the body, it helps increase the number of antibodies responsible for and viruses. Finally, vitamin C helps collagen production in dogs.
Our Nutritional Philosophy